Community Advisory Board
The Community Advisory Board (CAB) will work to ensure that the priorities of the diverse communities in our Catchment Area are represented in our U54. They will play an important role in partnering with our Outreach Core. The CAB – in partnership with our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) board and U54 investigators - identifies priorities, opportunities, and unmet needs. They will help craft U54 messaging and presentations to the diverse individuals who live in our catchment area. The CAB will also help ensure that ESI and student trainees have an opportunity to present their work to community leaders and members and forums held by the Outreach Core.
Join Our Community Advisory Board Team
Are you a community leader passionate about:
- Health disparities
- Cancer research
- Drug development
- Education
The U54 Care Partnership invites you to join our team.
Who are we?
Collaborative research and education project between UC Riverside and City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center that aims to advance:
- Cancer research
- Drug development
- Reduction of cancer health disparities
- Delivery of health care findings to the community
What is a Community Advisory Board Member?
A community member that:
- Participates and contributes to different U54 community research discussions
- Provides input and guidance to strengthen the overall community footprint of the project
- Addresses health disparities in their community and offers suggestions on ways to improve health outcomes
Eligibility Criteria
- Well-rounded community member with an interest and/or knowledge about one or more of the U54 CARE Partnership goals
- Cancer research and health disparities
- Improving health care and/or research access to diverse communities
- Education advancement and/or pipeline programs
- Current or previous community leadership experience
- Willing to serve for at least 1 year
- Representative of the diverse U54 catchment area
- Good communication skills
- Well-rounded community member with an interest and/or knowledge about one or more of the U54 CARE Partnership goals
General Responsibilities
- Attend 4-6 CARE Partnership meetings per year
- Be a spokesperson for the priorities and needs of the diverse U54 catchment area
- Interact with fellow CAB members and partnership faculty
- Promote events and network to ensure U54 research and findings are accessible to the community
Contact Us
If interested, please complete our form.